Happy Merdeka!
Happy Independence Day from all of us at IpohWorld.
Happy Independence Day from all of us at IpohWorld.
Don’t worry about the markings on this photograph. They are for a proposed signboard for the realty company. Where do you think this building was? Anyone remember the name of the street? I’m sure there are sufficient clues for you to guess ๐
I was about 8 years old when I took part in a school concert (in the early 90s). The concert was for the Hari Anugerah (Prize Giving Day), and I recall being absolutely exhausted after every practice. I had to wake up early since practice started at about 8 o’clock in the morning. It went […]
Here’s another one from Tony Ooi’s batch of photographs. Well, NTPS boys…..this should keep you excited over the weekend ๐ Anyone remember what game this was? How about who won Best / Overall Champion House that year?
According to Tony Ooi, this is the Std. 4 class from Cator Avenue School. Like we mentioned in the title of this post – where are there boys now? Any of you in this photograph? By the way, Tony if you’re reading this….do you remember the teacher’s name?
Here is a bit of nostalgia if ever there was one! Sent in by Mano it is a photo taken on a bus on the way to Penang from the famed NTPS Jalan Pasir Puteh, Ipoh in 1967. Mano tells us: At the rear is Semret Singh, SEA Games Gold medallist at the Hammer […]
As can be seen in the photograph below, the Ipoh Boys are just as stylish! According to the donor of this photograph (Nick Coffil), these boys were apparently going home for the holidays. Well, Readers…..are YOU somewhere in this photograph? ๐
Here’s another one from Stex Stev’s collection of matchboxes. Your ‘mission’ (should you choose to accept it) is to tell us MORE about this place – Latin Quarter. Was it a bar? A Hair Saloon? Perhaps a tailor? Good luck, folks! ๐
One look at this photograph and you will notice that not only were the Ipoh Girls pretty, they also dressed in style ๐ If you look close enough, you can probably deduce where in Ipoh Town these buildings are. But we’d like to draw your attention to the sign behind the lady with the handbag […]
Sometime ago, someone mentioned the Green Fern Coffee House as one of the places Ipoh’s (then) youngsters used to frequent. Here’s a little ‘advertisement’ from Stex Stev. Anyone know what’s in place of the coffee house now?
Yes, they are back! To avoid disappointment, please make your bookings at the PSPA office or contact them at : PSPA : 05-5487814 Witzi Leong : 012-5088818 ******** Emails : pspaipoh@gmail.comย , inquiries@pspaipoh.orgย Website : www.pspaipoh.org ย Visit them on facebook : www.facebook.com/pspaipoh
For a change, we thought we’d feature a coloured picture from 2010 instead of the usual black-and-white ones. This was taken outside a temple in Old Town. Recognise the location? On that note, anyone know why these folks are seated by the gate?