Heard of Droste?
We featured Van Houten some time ago, and many of you shared your thoughts on it. Today we’d like to know if any of you are familiar with Droste Cocoa – a product by a Dutch company founded in 1863. Was it as famous as Van Houten?
We featured Van Houten some time ago, and many of you shared your thoughts on it. Today we’d like to know if any of you are familiar with Droste Cocoa – a product by a Dutch company founded in 1863. Was it as famous as Van Houten?
I’m sure many of you are familiar with this gadget…
Photograph courtesy of Tom Eadie This was taken in 1955 as the ‘A’ Troop rolled out of the Old Convent (Taiping) and was headed for the Cameron Highlands via Tapah. “The climb beyond Tapah with its claustrophobic intimidating high-rising jungle crowding the eternally bending narrow roadway was enough to make everyone feel vulnerable and on […]
Ian Horgan is trying to reconnect with a long lost mate, whom he shared a room with back in 1979/1980 in England. Here’s what he wrote: I am writing to you to ask for your help in finding an old room-mate, Alan Tan. I shared a room with Alan back in 1979/80 in a house […]
It’s obvious that the writer of the above article had a good time in Perak recently. We’re glad he and his friends enjoyed themselves. We’re also glad that they visited our Hakka Museum (ref. to ย the area highlighted in blue). ps: Have YOU visited the Hakka Museum lately? If not, what are you waiting for?
Could this have been one of your well-loved toys as a child? Or, maybe you prefered model aeroplanes? I recall ‘falling in love’ with LEGO, as a child. Before that, my brother and I fought over Hot Wheels toy cars ๐
….when the Royal Ipoh Club celebrated its 100 year anniversary? It wasn’t that long ago – 1995 to be exact. I’m sure some of you members out there remember something….
Looks like a wooden bird, but it’s not quite a wooden bird. This is said to be a tool used in paddy planting. Does anyone here know HOW it’s used? UPDATE: We received this from our reader Ngai, who recently visited the Rice Production Museum in Kedah. Apparently this tool pictured above is known as […]
click to enlarge We thank Steven Kan for the above photograph – showing Form 5 Science 3, of Anderson School, back in the mid 1970s. And just in case some of you can’t recall the names of the people in the above photograph, here are their names:
We thank Ian for sharing these photos with us. Ian Sheldrick used to study at BACS Ipoh from October 1962 – October 1964. The photos he shared with us were taken during the school’s Sports Day. Any BACS Alumni out there? Are you in any of these pictures?
No, I didn’t make that up! Apparently (as stated in good ‘ol Wikipedia), the ‘HP’ in this popular brand actually stands for Houses of Parliament! Just a show of hands – how many of you knew this little trivia? ๐