We conclude our series of rubber-related blog posts with this picture (see below). (No, it’s not part of a weapon 🙂 ) Ever seen one of these before? This is, of course, a Latexometer. This instrument (shown above) is made to measure the specific gravity of raw latex; this one in our collection is calibrated […]

Letterheads usually have the company name and address; maybe even the logo / slogan. This letterhead (picture below) is rather unique, don’t you think? We were told it dates back to the 1920s. Just curious: are those former Cycle & Carriage buildings still around? I know the Ipoh building is still there (but it’s not […]

Nope! This is actually a carbide lamp 🙂 How does it work? Well…pellets or chunks of calcium carbide are placed in the lower chamber. The upper chamber is then filled with water. A screw valve or other mechanism is used to control the rate at which the water is allowed to drip into the chamber […]