Welcome to ipohworld’s first blog.
This is your site to share information and photographs of Perak’s heritage and social history for recording in an online database archive, currently being produced for worldwide access via the web in 2009. Donors will be credited if they wish, but please remember that the laws of copyright apply in Malaysia and that anything that breaks those laws cannot be used. You should therefore state that you have a right to publish the photographs or information (if you have).
Currently we have more than 2600 entries with images on the archive , but there is plenty of room for more. Our subjects covered are almost any aspect of ‘past Perak’, but particularly targeting the Kinta Valley. We have stories of the Towkays, the cinemas, mining, rubber, food, hawkers, the Japanese, the communists, the Emergency, Orang Asli – even Rose Chan – and more, so don’t hang back, we need your help.
Our objective is to record every fact we can for use by students, researchers and most important our young people of today and tomorrow so that they will understand what made our State tick over the past 150 years. No subject is too insignificant to be considered for use.
However, this blog is not only about collecting data, but it is also for you to express your opinion on any matter pertaining to local history and heritage in Perak.
So let’s hear from you; What do you think about the state of our heritage in Perak. Is heritage important? Can it make us any money? What can we do to preserve our heritage? etc. etc. We need your thoughts on this blog now, so sit down and write. Just do it, you know it makes sense!