Ten Years of ipohWorld Exhibitions
ipohWorld has produced several small exhibitions in support of local functions since its inception in 2004. Only a token selection of these is included below to show the diversity of our team. We have also supported the Sunway Group’s “Lost World of Tambun” with an exhibition to enhance their new attraction, “Tin Valley” (see below). This ran for a two year term from September 2011 and was supplied free of charge. Subsequently the exhibition was transferred permanently to the Sunway Group and remains at Tambun as an example of our expertise. However large exhibitions are very costly and funding for such events is hard to come by. Nonetheless, thanks to the sponsorship of Kinta Properties Group and other friends in 2006 and then, in 2013, Amber Synergy Sdn Bhd, larger exhibitions have been possible and today we are pleased to be able to introduce the largest and longest-running complex exhibition we have ever attempted.
IpohWorld’s first exhibition took place in the Darul Ridzuan Museum, Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia. The ground floor was lent to ipohWorld by Perak State Government free of charge. They also upgraded the lighting and décor and made all the arrangements for the Grand Opening by Y.A.B. Dato’ Seri DiRaja Mohd Tajol Rosli Ghazali (Pictured receiving his memento.). The Directors of Ipoh World Sdn. Bhd. are most grateful for their assistance. The exhibition was entitled “The Story of Ipoh, From Feet to Flight” and featured the growth of Ipoh from around 1870 to the present day, through the medium of transportation. It was presented by Ipoh World Sdn. Bhd. in cooperation with the Perak State Government and opened on 16 January 2006 for one month. The exhibition was an unprecedented success with more than 12,000 visitors signing in, and an estimated total of 17,000 all told attending, with 917 arriving on the last day. Of course this could not have been achieved without financial sponsorship and the organisers are indebted to: Main Sponsor Kinta Properties Group Sponsors Tenby Schools Ipoh Meru Valley Resorts Bhd. Perak Roadway Bhd Chan Sam Lock Sdn. Bhd. Rich Resource Sdn. Bhd. Eight Seas Productions Sdn Bhd. Commander and Mrs. Ian Anderson And to all those supporters who lent photographs, artifacts and their stories to the designers. Without them there would have been no exhibition.
This exhibition, 36 feet of historic photographs, was staged to greet those veterans who had fought and families of those who died in the anti-communist emergency 1948 to 1989. Staged in the Royal Ipoh Club it was opened at the traditional ‘after the ceremony lunch’ and stimulated memories going back some 60 years. The exhibition included a continuous 20-minute showing of a documentary about “How the Communists were “We also took the opportunity to formally launch our database although it had been on-line since 2007. It ran for two weeks. The exhibition was staffed by Tenby School students.
PSPA’s SHINY BLACK GOLD MUSICAL 2011 This 3-day exhibition incorporated video clips and a wide range of open cast mining equipment to support PSPA’s original and home-grown musical. A team of two from ipohWorld explained the operation of mining, opium smoking and more to members of the audience both young and old. Raja Muda spent a long time with us on the closing night.
This exhibition is housed in a natural, shallow cave close to the famous Tambun “Pinnacle”. It is behind glass but there is a guide (trained by us) who is happy to explain how mining was done in the early days and also demonstrate real tin Dulang Washing. Inside the Lost World Complex, the exhibition can only be viewed by purchasing an entrance ticket.
This small but special exhibition focused on the different varieties of Perak’s tin currency prior to coins being available. Owned by ipohWorld, the genuine exhibits are believed to date from the late 1600′s and form one of the finest collections of its kind in Malaysia.
Our major exhibition for 2013, was entitled “A Tin Mining Family”. It opened at Falim House, Falim, Ipoh on Sunday 12th May 2013 and ran for three full months, closing on Sunday 11th August 2013. The Grand Opening drew some 800 visitors and with entertainment and food provided by our sponsor, a great time was enjoyed by all. The event was graced by the Datuk Bandar. Opening hours were from 10.00am to 6.00pm daily and entrance was free. There was a free shuttle bus service run by Tenby School, Ipoh to bring visitors to and from Ipoh Train Station and Falim House during the weekends. Over the three months more than 15,000 visitors signed the visitors’ book. The exhibition showcased the life and times of Ipoh’s many families of tin mining Towkays – the entrepreneurs – how they and their households lived, their cars, their servants, their very successful tin mines and other business ventures. Not forgotten were the clan associations, hospitals and schools these philanthropists founded locally. On the other side of the coin, the four evils that faced the mining coolies – Opium, Gambling, Prostitution and the Triads – were included as an integral part of the mining story. There were also special sections on Falim House, the hawkers who called there and soft drinks manufacturer F&N who has been part of Ipoh and Falim for more than 100 years. And for those who wish to rest their legs, a rare and vintage film featuring tin mining in the Kinta Valley both pre and post-war ran continuously. With more than 220 old photographs, some dating from before 1900, and a very wide range of artifacts (around 500 pieces in all) this was a chance for visitors to get close to real mining equipment, rare toys, unusual kitchen equipment, original local wheeled vehicles and more, much of which brought back memories long forgotten while at the same time provided important education for our young people. Photo opportunities were many. Sponsored by Amber Synergy Sdn. Bhd. and produced by the ipohWorld team (www.ipohworld.org), the exhibition was led by Commander Ian Anderson, a retired British Naval Commander who is married to an Ipoh girl and lives permanently in Ipoh. Ian is well known for his enthusiasm for local heritage and history and produced an exhibition unlike any other and one that should not have been missed. The collections on show were all from ipohWorld, a project sponsored entirely by Tenby School, Ipoh, with some items dating back to well before 1900. “The Exhibition would not be possible were it not for Tenby Schools for seeing our vision and supporting it since 2006. We are also indebted to Amber Synergy Sdn. Bhd. which has generously covered the entire costs of this exhibition”, Ian said when interviewed. He continued, “In the medium-term, Ipoh World hopes to promote a keen and sustained interest in the history and heritage of Ipoh through a permanent Heritage Centre which will enhance visitors’ enjoyment with additional, ever-changing and interesting Exhibitions each year. It will be designed for serious research by students as well as general entertainment for both local people and visitors to Ipoh wherever they may come from. The centre will focus on specific aspects of local life and provide an in depth insight as to how different it used to be. Loan of relevant artifacts to build these exhibitions, from individuals, local organizations or institutions, will be more than welcome and all who assist will be credited by name in the exhibition. We are optimistic that such a centre would attract more tourists to Ipoh in line with the Perak State Government’s plans. The new exhibition at Falim House will be a wonderful educational tool for schools and colleges. WE hope that they will take advantage of it to introduce their students to important local history that is generally glossed over or forgotten.” On the question of the future of the house after the exhibition, Dato’ Poo, representing Amber Synergy, said that it was planned to fully restore the building using the best restoration experience available. He would therefore welcome any offers of assistance from restoration specialists like architects or NGO’s who could advise them on the best way to proceed. Once the restoration was complete it was intended to turn the house into a quality international boutique hotel/quality F & B outlet that Amber Synergy and the people of Ipoh would be proud of.
This photographic exhibition took place at very short notice with only 24 hours to prepare. Nonetheless we put together a credible show covering many of the aspects of old Ipoh Town and its surrounds. Admission was FOC.
The exhibition was in conjunction with the launch of the library’s collection of artifacts put on show for the first time, but ipohWorld’s role was limited to the photographic exhibition which was very well received by the public with a constant stream of visitors and excellent press coverage throughout the event.
Another view of the show which overall had more than 200 images. Do watch out for our next exhibition planned for late 2014. on
This was our second minor exhibition of 2014 in support of the Church’s Family Day 2014. It was made up of six double sided panels containing some 220 photographs.
Han Chin Pet Soo, The Hakka Miners’ Club
The story of Han Chin Villa at No. 3 Jalan Bijeh Timah (Treacher Street), Ipoh starts on 5 May 1893 when mining Towkay Leong Fee formed the Han Chin Tin Miners’ Club in a double-storey shophouse where the Villa stands today. The club membership was restricted to Hakka miners and it was a place where they could connect with their colleagues and friends from home, smoke opium, and entertain “dancing girls”. They could also gamble legally, with approval from the District Magistrate, Kinta. Lodging house facilities were also available for male relatives and Hakka friends. In 1927 the club bought the building from Leong’s son and in 1929 rebuilt it into the unique structure you see today. On the 5th May 1930, their 37th anniversary, they held a house-warming party to celebrate their new home, In 2013, due to a dwindling membership, the club was leased to IpohWorld who spent more than one year carefully restoring the building with TLC and fitting it out for exhibition. Guests may visit the club and exhibition by appointment made via http://www.ipohworld.org/reservation/ up to 30 days ahead, or at the door, and there are up to four (Mondays & Tuesdays) and eight (Wednesday to Sunday) appointments available per day with a maximum number of 20 guests per appointment. Larger numbers (up to 40) can be accommodated by special arrangement via hcps@ipohworld.org or +6o(5)2414541. We prefer you to book in advance as this will ensure you are not disappointed and enjoy your visit in comfort and safety.
This is a one-off chance to step back in time, visit the opium den, meet the gamblers and their dancing girls and experience a Kinta Valley tin mine. A unique exhibition this is suitable for all races and religions which provides a great insight to the early history of the Chinese in Ipoh, so, book now at http://www.ipohworld.org/reservation.